Yolande Jimenez Care Program

Care Program
Our accessories are unique and are handmade with passion by Filipino women. We believe that producing wonderful bags and accessories goes hand in hand with making the world more beautiful. Together we can realize an important impact.
That’s why 10% of the revenues of the Yolande Jimenez bags and accessories will be devoted by the Yolande Jimenez Care Program to the benefit of education and work opportunities for underprivileged women in the Philippines to give them and their children better perspectives and financial independance.
The Yolande Jimenez Care Program aimes to improve the economic status of marginalized citizens of the Philippines by supporting an education-project in producing our bags in a fair-trade and ecological way. It is focused on working with the poor, often rural artisans, to foster artistic tradition, sustainable livelihood, and formation of creative communities.

In the education-project knowledge and experience will be transferred through training. In addition this program contributes to the development and independancy level of the woman, so she can provide her own income and works on a better future for her and her familiy.
The trainings will be given by a professional team of trainers in a special training center in the Philippines and will be financially supported by the Yolande Jimenez Care Program.
Mission and objectives:
The mission of the Yolande Jimenez Care Program is to create more entrepeneurs, trainers and transform communities to be self-sufficient by providing training, technology transfer and product development with much emphasis on core values formation, women and youth empowerment.
Tribute to Life
Benefits of the Care Program:
- Employment Generation
- Build-up Entrepeneurship
- Eradication of Poverty
- Education and Livelihood
- Sustainability of Project
Successful graduates of the program can become part of the production team of the bags for the Yolande Jimenez Collection. Some become trainers of the Care Program who will be sent to various communities and develop more skilled female bagmakers for the production team and some become entrepeneurs at their own right.
The bags and accessories produced by the trainees and our Flilipino production team are produced in a sustainable and honest way and are being sold under the name, Yolande Jimenez Collection.